The Devil Was Hot

Or maybe he's really angry
see a clip from the film

Overheard in my back seat on the way home from soccer practice:

8-year-old boy #1: What are you talking about? They don't execute people in heaven.

8-year-old boy #2: I mean the bad people.

#1: But heaven is where the good people go, so they wouldn't have to execute people.

#2: It's what happens to the people who do bad things in heaven.

#1: Besides you can't die in heaven. If you do something bad in heaven they would just send you to hell.

#2: That's what the executing is! It's how they send them to hell.

#1: They have to send them really far away.

#2: Right downstairs. Like 55,000 miles.

#1: All the way to the center of the earth. That's where hell is.

#2: OK. Sure.

#1: That's probably why the devil is red.

#2: Yeah, and why lava is red.

#1: The devil is probably really hot.

#2: Yeah, or really angry.

They also had an old-man conversation about how the world is degenerating because no one goes to preschool anymore, not like it was back when they were young, when there were preschools all over the place.

#2: I mean, I bet there are, like, maybe 200 preschools in the whole country anymore.

#1: I think maybe it's more like 400 ... Like maybe 412.

Reading: Mostly school stuff.

Writing: Yes! Fleshing out an important tertiary character. (Is that an oxymoron?)

Dinner: Pizza. But for lunch I made the kids quick homemade "applesauce" to go with the 5 pierogies hiding in the freezer. (3 Johnathon apples peeled and chopped and sauted in butter until the disentegrated, with 1/3 cup of applesauce scraped from the jar, a pinch of salt, 2 pinches of sugar, and a sprinkle of cinnamon.)

Soundtrack: Still, no.

Random thing: Z walks up and hugs me a lot these days. It seems especially sweet as she is nearly as tall as me, so a hug from her is not just something cute.


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