Carpe Tea Time

For many weeks now, it has been rare for the four members of our family to be home during the week at the same time, so we seized on David's afternoon of downtime to have family tea. ZandO helped make the tea and set the table -- with my "Goldendawn" pattern English tea set, a true score of a handmedown from my mother in law if there ever was one. (And doesn't it look nice with the daffodils?) Yes, our tea snacks consisted of muenster cheese and multigrain crackers, "triple double" Oreos, and sour cream and onion Pringles. We run a high class business around here. The tea served was Target brand decaf orange pekoe -- out of my tall white teapot with the built in chrome cozy (not pictured), one of my favorite wedding gifts, from my Aunt Nell, I believe.

We all sat around the table and talked about Much Ado About Nothing and Zelda's school orchestra and other random topics.

Reading: Quite a bit, actually -- now into puberty and adolescence in Ex-Prom Queen. The whole thing about not telling girls about menstruation until it happens to them ... who ever decided that could possibly be a good thing?

Writing: Not really.
Dinner: Failing to properly plan for the fajitas I had intended to make, and also taking the time for tea, I ended up tossing some canned veggie soup and turkey sandwiches at the kids when Sarah got here to relieve for me some work business I had to attend to. I feasted on buttered popcorn and red wine after bedtime. So, yeah, for dinner I had a multi-course meal of cheese, crackers, cookies, potato chips, tea, popcorn, and wine. Woot!

Soundtrack: The "Dinner Music" playlist on our itunes - consists of a mix of jazz, classical, Latin, R&B, soundtrack music, country, house and downtempo pop.

Random thing: I had a random thing, which I have randomly forgotten.

Oh, and this is my 100th post!


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