What is it about 3 a.m.?

I got 4 hours of sleep on Monday night, so that was not shiny.

Why is it that when I wake at night and can't get back to sleep I always wake at 3 a.m.? What is it about 3 a.m.?

And, David Bowie has a new single! (Watch it below!)

In the sleepless morning this fascinating piece from an online series on anxiety from the NYT: opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/12/22/out-with-the-old-anxiety

more about it here
In the evening, ZandO and I sat together and read for an hour - first draped over furniture in the living room, then with them tucked into their bunks and me in the rocking chair. I remain simultaneously admiring and slightly skeptical of Madeleine's Ghost. Z finished (!!!) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and O is reading The Big Joke Game, which he got for Christmas. It's a book David loved as a child - about a kid who loves practical jokes and gets caught in a land called Limbo, where he has to solve puzzles to survive.

Neither of them wanted to stop reading. I let Z stay up a little late because she was so eager to finish. She is debating whether to go on the Septimus Heap or Percy Jackson next.

No. Could have in my wakefulness but I read the Opionator and celebrated David Bowie's birthday instead.

Chicken rarebit from the Monday to Friday Chicken Cookbook by Michelle Urvater, another one "we" got for Christmas. (I gave it to David. It is the third book in Urvater's M-F series. The other two are staples in our kitchen. Urvater deserves to be more widely known that she is. I LOVE THESE BOOKS.) Again, I assigned recipe, and David cooked, because I worked late.

more here

Maybe you have heard. To celebrate his 66th birthday, David Bowie announced the impending release of his first album in ten years. Whee! Here's the moody single:

Random thing:
Z is proofreading this over my shoulder.


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