It's good when you lose track of the days ...
There's been a beguiling mixture of rain and sun here. Rain is good for sitting on the porch with a book and looking at this. Sun is good for exploring. There was a parade in there somewhere too. Reading: Finished Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight . A random descriptive passage (chosen from many that are equally evocative): The heat in the kitchen is breath-sucking. There are two small windows at either end of the huge tacked-together room, and stable door, which leads off to the back veranda where the dairyman (surrounded by a halo of flied) labors over the milk churn (milk spits into buckets, cream chugs into a jug; both are in danger of going off before the can reach refrigeration). The fridges, unable to compete with the heat, leak (they bleed actually: think watered-down blood from the defrosting chunks of cow) and add a fusty-smelling steam to the atmosphere. The aroma here is defrosting flesh, soon-to-be-off milk, sweating butter, and the always present salty-meat-o...